2022 Graduate Stories

Initially Undecided, Double Major Says MBA is Next

By Melanie Thibeault
Submitted portrait of  Senior Julia McGettigan in a fall setting

Marketing and History double major Julia McGettigan ’22 will pursue her MBA at this fall. During graduate school, McGettigan said she hopes to round out her business skills and eventually work for a big agency in brand strategy.  

From Undeclared to Double Major: “I came into Roger undecided. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do. I originally thought I wanted to be a history teacher. I took a Business 100 course and a course with Professor (Geraldo) Matos. He propelled me into Marketing. I really liked it. With marketing, I like that you can be creative and strategic at the same time. There are a lot of different paths. Participating in NSAC has given me so many opportunities that I didn’t think I would get. It’s setting me up for life after Roger.”  

Industry Experience: “I did an internship with Mack Media Group in Brookfield, Conn. The majority of my work was copywriting and learning how they work with their clients and take feedback from clients. There were over 160 websites that other interns and I worked on. After my internship, they hired me as a freelance copywriter. I wanted to learn from a smaller agency, which is what made me want to work for a bigger agency (in the future).”  

Portfolio Outside of Class: “I got to do a lot of different things while I was here. I tried to take advantage of all the extra things that Roger offered. I’m the public relations chair for the College Democrats, and the public relations chair for the American Advertising Federation chapter. I wanted to use that experience to develop my marketing portfolio outside of class work.”  

McGettigan is from Portland, Maine.  

Every May, as Commencement nears, spotlights members of the graduating class. Suggestions are welcome. Email: stories@rwu.edu

2022 Graduate Stories