ࡱ> WZV bjbj 4L{B83&%%%%   &&&&&&&($+b&    &%%& d%%& &/%pAk~8pds&&0&,++/+/D       &&   &    +          :  Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee ADVERSE EVENT/Unanticipated Problem Form Adverse Event: Any happening not consistent with routine expected outcomes that results in any unexpected animal welfare issues (death, disease, or distress) or human health risks (zoonotic diseases or injuries). If you are having a significant number of deaths, and even though it does not relate to non-compliance, it should be reported to the IACUC and the University Veterinarian. ADMINISTRATIVE Instructions: All materials must be typed, signed and submitted immediately to: IACUC Chairperson, MNS Building or scan the signed form and email to  HYPERLINK "mailto:IACUC@rwu.edu" IACUC@rwu.edu.Protocol Number:Protocol Title: Principal Investigator:Phone:Email:Mailing Address:City:State: Zip:ADVERSE EVENT/UNANTICIPATED PROBLEM INFORMATION Event/Problem Date:Location of Event/Problem:Severity of Event/Problem:ModerateSevereFatalIs this event/problem related to the research:RelatedPossibly RelatedNot RelatedDescription of the event/problem (include cause, outcome):Description of how the event/problem was managed:Provide a description of the corrective and preventative actions taken to ensure this type of event/problem does not occur in the future:Does this event/problem necessitate a change in the protocol? If yes, please complete and submit to the IACUC chairperson the Changes in Protocol Form.YesNo Signature of Principal Investigator Date OFFICE USE ONLYCheck all that applyInitialDateConsultation with IACUC ChairCopy sent to IACUC Committee for their information; filed with protocol no further action required.Forward to IACUC for review and actionWrite to PI with concerns/schedule PAM visitForward form to Provost Report to OLAWReport to USDA     Adverse Event/Unanticipated Outcome Form 09-02-09 EGopqr  W X חxqqxql hJ 5 hh7 h$h7 h$hfh3hJ 0JjhJ UhJ hhx5hhf5h7 hr6 h@86hJ hJ 6hJ h%6hJ h%56h% hhfh$hf5CJaJh%5CJaJhfh$hf5(FGpqr |uuc & Fd$Ifgdgd7hkd$$Ifl$h% t0644 layt$d$Ifa$gd $a$gdf xm $IfgdJ xkd}$$Ifl>'(  t 0(44 lap ytd$Ifgd d$Ifgdikd $$Ifl>'( t0(44 layt    uuud$Ifgd|kd$$Ifl0> 'N z t0(44 laytT  1 7 W pbbbd$Ifgdkd>$$IflF>'`q  t0(    44 laytT W X p^Pd$Ifgd & Fd$Ifgdkd$$IflF>'`q  t0(    44 laytT  xxd$Ifgdxkd$$Ifl>'(  t 0(44 lap yt ! 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