²ÝÁñÉçÇø’s Dance & Performance Studies Program is excited to announce another semester line-up of dynamic events and guest artists! Dancing in London – Spring Semester Abroad! After two years of pandemic
²ÝÁñÉçÇø’s Dance and Performance Studies has a reputation for being dynamic and community-based. This kinetic and creative alchemy keeps students and professors motivated to give their all – but it also has us all ready for a long winter’s nap! But before heading into winter intersession…here’s a recap of all we accomplished this fall!
²ÝÁñÉçÇø’s close-knit community of dancers made a promise – to spin the pandemic’s limitations around, and invert challenges into catalysts for innovation. In doing so, the Dance and Performance Studies Program exemplified its vital role in interdisciplinary and embodied learning, student health and well-being, and community building. The dancers take the ultimate credit though – for their talent, team work and yes, we can attitude.
²ÝÁñÉçÇø’s Dance and Performance Studies students are gearing up for two end of semester events that highlight their extraordinary dancing, choreography, and filmmaking.
BRISTOL, R.I. - Associate Professor, Cathy Nicoli of ²ÝÁñÉçÇø’s Dance / Performance Program was recently invited to present her domestic violence awareness initiative - STAND - to other national dance
BRISTOL, R.I. Introducing: The Freelance Dancer: Learning the Steps to Survive, Thrive, and Activate Community ²ÝÁñÉçÇø’s Dance/Performance Studies Program hit the ground running the summer of 2020 - the
²ÝÁñÉçÇø professors are finding new opportunities for experiential, student-centered approaches to teaching and learning across the grounds of the Bristol campus
Dance on film is nothing new to the dance world and what students of our Advanced Technique/Improvisation class have dived into head first since the stay-at-home order was put in place. The class
Student Focus is a new series being added to ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Dance News. Through it, students will have an opportunity to share projects and accomplishments that shine a positive light on them and their time in
Dance studies at ²ÝÁñÉçÇø began as usual in January of 2020. The familiar format of classes, guest artists, Dance Theatre auditions and prospective student auditions helped set the rhythm of things to come