Campus Pride Index

²ÝÁñÉçÇø is proud to have received 4 out of 5 stars from Campus Pride for LGBTQIA+ inclusivity on our campus. In 2022 ²ÝÁñÉçÇø participated in the assessment index for the first time and we have been using the annual results to drive conversations about best practices and policy changes needed to better support Queer & Trans folks in our community.

The , owned and operated by , is a vital tool for assisting campuses in learning ways to improve their LGBTQIA+ campus life and ultimately shape the educational experience to be more inclusive, welcoming and respectful of LGBTQIA+ people. Students and their families can utilize this free tool to compare the resources, policies, support, and LGBTQIA+ campus climate at a variety of different colleges and universities. 

is the leading national nonprofit organization for student leaders and campus groups working to create safer, more LGBTQ-friendly learning environments at colleges and universities. The index is supported under the Campus Pride Q Research Institute for Higher Education as well as benefits from strategic partnerships with professional organizations in higher education and related LGBTQ nonprofit organizations.


LGBTQ Policy Inclusion

check markNon-discrimination statement inclusive of sexual orientation

check markNon-discrimination statement inclusive of gender identity/expression

check markHealth insurance coverage to employees’ same-sex partner

check markAccessible, simple process for students to change their name on university records and documents

check markAccessible, simple process for students to change their gender identity on university records and documents

check markStudents have option to self-identify gender identity/expression on admission application or post-enrollment forms


LGBTQ Support & Institutional Commitment

check markResource center/office with responsibilities for LGBTQ students

check markPaid staff with responsibilities for LGBTQ support services

check markAlly program or Safe Space/Safe Zone

check markActively seek to employ a diversity of faculty & staff including visible, out LGBTQ people


LGBTQ Academic Life

check markLGBTQ studies program

check markLGBTQ-specific course offerings

check markActively recruit faculty for LGBTQ-related academic scholarship


LGBTQ Student Life

check mark

LGBTQ & Ally student organization

check markLGBTQ & Ally graduate student organization

check markRegularly plans LGBTQ social activities

check markRegularly plans educational events on transgender issues

check markRegularly offers educational events surrounding the intersectionality of identities for LGBTQ people

check markLGBTQ-inclusive career services


LGBTQ Housing & Residence Life

check markLGBTQ living space, theme floors and/or living-learning community

check markGender-inclusive housing for new students

check markGender-inclusive housing for returning students

check markGender-inclusive/single occupancy restroom facilities in campus housing

check markGender-inclusive/single occupancy shower facilities in campus housing

check markTrains residence life and housing staff at all levels on LGBTQ issues and concerns


LGBTQ Campus Safety

check markProcedure for reporting LGBTQ related bias incidents and hate crimes

check markActive ongoing training for hate crime prevention

check markTrains campus police on sexual orientation issues

check markTrains campus police on gender identity/expression issues

check markSupports victims of LGBTQ sexual violence and partner violence


LGBTQ Counseling & Health

check markLGBTQ counseling/support groups

check markTrans-inclusive trained counseling staff

check markFree, anonymous and accessible HIV/STI testing

check markLGBTQ-inclusive health information and safer sex materials available

check markTrans-inclusive student health insurance policy which covers ongoing counseling services

check markTrans-inclusive student health insurance policy which covers hormone replacement therapy


LGBTQ Recruitment & Retention

check markLGBTQ mentoring program to welcome and assist LGBTQ students in transitioning to academic and college life

check markSpecial Lavender or Rainbow Graduation ceremony for LGBTQ students and allies

check markAdmission counselors receive LGBTQ-inclusive training and resources