Advertising, Sponsorships & Partnerships


To protect the educational nature of 草榴社区 web sites, and to preserve their primary role in support of the mission of the university, advertising is prohibited in 草榴社区 web space, and permitted elsewhere only as authorized by the AECM.

Co-branding, hyperlinked logos, link exchanges, and associate, affiliate, and referral programs are among the items that will be considered advertising if compensation is exchanged or anticipated.

Text links provided for informational purposes or as part of a comprehensive list of sources will not be considered advertising unless the purpose is to promote a product or service.

This policy is not meant to prohibit auxiliary-funded departments from providing appropriate information on their products and services.


Sponsors may be acknowledged on official university sites related to university-sponsored artistic or cultural programs, conferences, or special events. These acknowledgments must be supported by a written agreement between the sponsor and the University entity that specifies a limited term, typically concluding with the end of an event or series.

Acknowledgements may include the sponsor's corporate name or logo, but may not include a URL, street address, telephone number, e-mail address, hyperlink to a web page, product name or service information, call to action, or comparison. The acknowledgement must include a disclosure such as "The Artist Series acknowledges the support of these sponsors" and may not imply endorsement by the university.

Corporate logos are restricted to a maximum area of 70 x 70 pixels, unless they are located on separate pages within the site that list only sponsors. On sponsor-only pages, logos may be as large as an area of 100 x 100 pixels. Images must reside on and be under the control of the University site, and may not be animated or interactive. Logos should be subordinate in size and placement to page content and university marks.

Sponsors are not entitled to display university marks on their web sites without prior written consent from the Department of Marketing and Communications.


Official university sites and affiliated sites covered by this policy may acknowledge business partnerships for services provided at no cost that assist the University in achieving its mission; for example, access to an online research service, store, or a search engine. Otherwise, all the provisions for sponsorships apply to partnerships, except that logos may be hyperlinked to the service provided.