Student Accessibility Services Frequently Asked Questions

鈥嬧赌嬧赌嬧赌嬧赌草榴社区 provides reasonable accommodations to help ensure that eligible students with disabilities experience equal opportunity and participation in programs and services. SAS works with students, faculty and administrators at 草榴社区 to ensure learning and living inclusiveness in all aspects of the student's experience.  We take care to promote equal opportunity for our students and we support our students toward their achievement of academic success and degree completion. 

Please follow the steps that are outlined on the landing page of the SAS website (Steps 1-4). 

鈥嬧赌嬧赌嬧赌At the higher education level, there are no IEP/504/Learning Plans, rather, accommodations to provide equal access to the learning experience. If you have had an IEP/504/Learning Plan (or not) and you wish to request accommodations, please refer to the SAS website landing page (steps 1-4) and/or contact SAS at to get started.

No, 草榴社区 does not conduct any type of evaluation services for disabilities. Please contact your primary care physician or treating clinician regarding testing options. 

To make an appointment with a Student Accessibility Services staff member, please email, call 401-254-3841, or come to the SAS office, located on the first floor of the library. (Hours of Operation: M-F 8am-5pm)

  • You do not need to re-register with SAS each semester or every year (i.e. submit disability related documentation) once a decision has been rendered.
  • You do need to notify your professors of your approved accommodations each semester. You do this by going to the and selecting the 鈥淩equest Accommodations (each semester)鈥 option and following the steps outlined as you proceed through that option.

To find out what accommodations you have been approved for, please refer to the, "Request Accommodations (each semester)", in the . Additionally, you may contact the SAS office at

鈥嬧赌嬧赌嬧赌嬧赌You do this by going to the and selecting the 鈥淩equest Accommodations (each semester)鈥 option and following the steps outlined as you proceed through that option.

To schedule an exam with SAS, please go to the and select the "Schedule a Test or Exam" option which will guide you through the scheduling process. 

*Important Note: Exams have to be scheduled at least 4-5 days  ahead of the scheduled exam date! 

鈥嬧赌嬧赌嬧赌No, that information (diagnosis, area of diagnosis, evaluation information, etc鈥) is kept strictly confidential by the SAS office and is not distributed to faculty.

  • No, the SAS office does not offer tutoring. BUT, 草榴社区 has a robust Tutoring Center. Please refer to the Tutoring Center web pages for more details.
  • Yes, we offer strategy meetings, but typically not every week. Students can schedule meetings with us on an as-needed basis.
  • Emotional Support Animal (ESA)-Under the Fair Housing Act (FHA), an assistance animal, otherwise known as an Emotional Support Animal (ESA), is allowed as an exception to a "no animals/pets allowed" policy in a residential setting.  Allowing such an animal in a residential setting is, therefore, a waiver of a no pets policy and regulated by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD).  On a college campus, ESAs are approved when the student has a disability that substantially limits their ability to live in, enjoy, and participate in the residential experience.  ESAs are not trained to perform any specific task; they simply exist in the student's life to provide comfort. The request for an ESA must be supported by a mental health practitioner and be a component of an on-going mental health treatment plan.  ESAs are not allowed to be anywhere on campus except the student's living space (room/suite).  ESAs are not allowed in the classroom or any other building or space on campus.  ESAs may be exercised and toileted outdoors, but they are not allowed to travel through campus with their owner.  This includes not being allowed to accompany the student on field trips or visiting friends in other residence halls. 
  • Service Animal (dog or in rare cases mini horse)-By the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Department of Justice (DOJ) definition, a Service Animal is an animal that has been trained to perform specific tasks for a person with a disability.  Service Animals are primarily dogs only, and in rare instances, miniature horses.  Service Animals are allowed to be with their handler/owner at all times.  This means that a Service Animal is allowed to be anywhere the public may go, including in the classrooms, the residence halls, the dining commons, the library, the rec center, administrative buildings, and all spaces the student/employee is allowed to go.  Service Animals are not pets and do not need to be certified or show proof of training.  Many Service Animals provide a psychiatric or medical service(s) that may not be evident to others.  There are only two questions that may be asked of the person with the Service Animal when it is not obvious that the animal is a service animal: (a) Is the dog a Service Animal required due to a disability? and (b) What work or tasks is the animal trained to perform? The animal is not required to demonstrate the work or task on demand.  A Service Animal is not required by law to wear an identifying vest, tag, or collar; however, such identifiers are common to serve as a visual indication as to the animal's purpose.