Federal CARES, CRRSA and ARP Act Funding

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund - Student Aid

The is a Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund-IHE/Student Aid that has provided funding to institutions to provide emergency financial aid grants to students whose lives have been disrupted, many of whom are facing financial challenges and struggling to make ends meet due to the COVID-19 crisis. On April 9, 2020, the Education Department included ²ÝÁñÉçÇø in a published list of allocations and provided a certification form that was signed and returned on 5/9/2020 to access the funds. ²ÝÁñÉçÇø intends to use the funds to provide the mandated amount of at least 50% of the emergency financial aid grants to students.

Based on the allocations list for Section 18004(a)(1) of the Cares Act, ²ÝÁñÉçÇø will receive a total of $2,629,911 of which will award a minimum allocation of $1,314,956 for emergency grants to students. As of 5/15/2020, ²ÝÁñÉçÇø has disbursed a total of $1,310,000 in emergency grants to students.

Roger Williams estimates that 4,028 students at the institution are eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and; therefore, eligible to receive an emergency grant. By 5/15/2020, emergency financial aid grants will be processed for 4,028 students. Pell recipients enrolled in a full time, undergraduate day program received $450; all other eligible students received $300.

Emergency funds were distributed based on the following criteria: All Title IV eligible students who had a valid FAFSA on file as of 5/11/2020 and enrolled for spring 2020. HEERF-student share emergency grants are to aid students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus. Funds are to be paid directly to students and not applied towards outstanding institutional charges.

In order to apply for these HEERF emergency grants, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Meet Title IV eligibility requirements. Have a valid FAFSA on file by 5/11/2020 and be enrolled for spring 2020.

CARES Act – Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students Required 30-day Report (05/29/2020)

CARES Act – Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students Required 30-day Report (06/29/2020)

CARES Act - Institutional Reporting

CARES Act - Institutional Funds Quarterly Reporting

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II - Student Aid

The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) is a Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund-IHE/Student Aid that has provided funding to institutions to provide emergency financial aid grants to students whose lives have been disrupted, many of whom are facing financial challenges and struggling to make ends meet due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Based on the allocations list for Section 18004(a) (1) of the CRRSAA, ²ÝÁñÉçÇø will receive a total of $1,314,956 for emergency grants to students. As of 3/17/2021, ²ÝÁñÉçÇø has disbursed a total of $1,311,220 in emergency grants to students.

Roger Williams estimates that 4,149 students at the institution are eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and; therefore, eligible to receive an emergency grant. By 3/17/2021, emergency financial aid grants will be processed for 4,149 students. Pell recipients enrolled in a full time, undergraduate day program received $450; all other eligible students received $290.

Emergency funds were distributed based on the following criteria: All Title IV eligible students who had a valid FAFSA on file as of 3/2/2021 and enrolled for spring 2021. HEERFII-student share emergency grants are to aid students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus. Funds are to be paid directly to students and not applied towards outstanding institutional charges.

In order to apply for these HEERF II emergency grants, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Meet Title IV eligibility requirements. Have a valid FAFSA on file by 3/2/2021 and be enrolled for spring 2021.
  • Note: CRRSAA funding now includes online students, therefore ²ÝÁñÉçÇø added 121 additionally eligible students compared to CARES Act funding.  This increase in eligible students reduced awards to non-Pell recipients by $10 each.

HEERF II – CRRSAA – Institutional Funds Quarterly Reporting 3-31-2021

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund - Student Aid


The (ARP) included additional COVID-19 relief for institutions of higher education. This new COVID stimulus bill included $40 billion, available through September 30, 2023, for higher education institutions and students, using the same Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) model established in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Allowable Uses

The ARP HEERF III funds require that 50% of an institution's funds be spent on student grants, with the exception of for-profit institutions, which must spend 100% of their funds on student grants. In addition, the allowable uses of funds are nearly identical to the  funding as illustrated below. 

Student Portion

Institutions may award student grants for:

  1. Any component of their cost of attendance
  2. Emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as: tuition; food; housing; health care (including mental); child care

Based on the allocations list, ²ÝÁñÉçÇø (²ÝÁñÉçÇø) will receive a total of $3,581,585 for emergency grants to students. As of 6/26/2021, ²ÝÁñÉçÇø has disbursed a total of $1,815,250 in emergency grants to students.

²ÝÁñÉçÇø estimates that 3,229 students at our institution are eligible by being an active student (As of 6/21/2021)  and having been enrolled at ²ÝÁñÉçÇø during Spring 2020 and/or Fall 2020; therefore, eligible to receive an emergency grant. By 6/23/2021, emergency financial aid grants will be processed for 3,229 students.

Since a requirement to distribute the money to as many students as possible, while putting the most emphasis on need, ²ÝÁñÉçÇø distributed the money in the following manner based on 21/22 FAFSA information, EFC and Pell Grant status:

  • Pell recipients enrolled in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $2,000;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC of less than $5,900 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $1,500;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC of between $5,900 and $10,000 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $750;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC of between $10,001 and $20,000 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $500;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC above $20,000 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $350;
  • NON-FAFSA filers, including international students, in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $250;
  • Graduate students, including Law School, and University College students received $350.

HEERF III student-shared emergency grants are to aid students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the Coronavirus. Funds are to be paid directly to students and not applied towards outstanding institutional charges.

As of 10/28/21 ²ÝÁñÉçÇø identified 1,863 active students for Fall 21 that did not receive HEERF3 funds on 6/26/21 these students will receive emergency grant funds totaling $1,023,500.

²ÝÁñÉçÇø distributed the money in the following manner based on 21/22 FAFSA information, EFC and Pell Grant status:

  • Pell recipients enrolled in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $2,000;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC of less than $5,900 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $1,500;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC of between $5,900 and $10,000 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $750;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC of between $10,001 and $20,000 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $500;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC above $20,000 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $350;
  • NON-FAFSA filers, including international students, in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $250;
  • Graduate students, including Law School, and University College students received $350.

We also notified every active student of the opportunity to appeal for additional HEERF III funds due to COVIID-19 related expenses or hardship. We received 192 appeals that resulted in $692,200 total of HEERFIII funds that range from $1,150 to $6,495 award amounts.

Quarter Ending 12/31/21

As of 12/31/21 ²ÝÁñÉçÇø identified 1,863 active students for Fall 21 that did not receive HEERF3 funds on 6/26/21 these students will receive emergency grant funds totaling $1,023,500.

²ÝÁñÉçÇø distributed the money in the following manner based on 21/22 FAFSA information, EFC and Pell Grant status:

  • Pell recipients enrolled in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $2,000;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC of less than $5,900 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $1,500;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC of between $5,900 and $10,000 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $750;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC of between $10,001 and $20,000 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $500;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC above $20,000 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $350;
  • NON-FAFSA filers, including international students, in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $250;
  • Graduate students, including Law School, and University College students received $350.

We also notified every active student of the opportunity to appeal for additional HEERF III funds due to COVID-19 related expenses or hardship. We received 201 appeals that resulted in $727,550 total of HEERFIII funds that range from $1,150 to $6,495 award amounts.

Quarter Ending 3/31/22

As of 3/31/22 ²ÝÁñÉçÇø identified 1,863 active students for Fall 21 that did not receive HEERF3 funds on 6/26/21 these students will receive emergency grant funds totaling $1,023,500.

²ÝÁñÉçÇø distributed the money in the following manner based on 21/22 FAFSA information, EFC and Pell Grant status:

  • Pell recipients enrolled in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $2,000;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC of less than $5,900 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $1,500;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC of between $5,900 and $10,000 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $750;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC of between $10,001 and $20,000 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $500;
  • FAFSA filers with an EFC above $20,000 in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $350;
  • NON-FAFSA filers, including international students, in a full-time, undergraduate day program received $250;
  • Graduate students, including Law School, and University College students received $350.

We also notified every active student of the opportunity to appeal for additional HEERF III funds due to COVID-19 related expenses or hardship. We received 212 appeals that resulted in $742,835 total of HEERFIII funds that range from $1,150 to $6,495 award amounts.

As of 3/23/22 ²ÝÁñÉçÇø has distributed $3,581,585 in HEERF funding.

HEERF – Institutional Funds Quarterly Reporting (all awards)