Student Employment

²ÝÁñÉçÇø participates in these federal, state, and institutionally funded programs which provide employment opportunities on-and-off campus. Students are employed in many areas of the University and are encouraged to work in an area that will complement their chosen majors.

Federal Work-Study is awarded to students who demonstrate financial need. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be submitted annually to be considered for Federal Work-Study in the upcoming academic year. The FAFSA must be submitted before the ²ÝÁñÉçÇø deadline in order to be eligible to receive work-study. Since Federal Work-Study funds are limited, it is important to file the FAFSA before listed deadlines.

Types of Student Employment

²ÝÁñÉçÇø provides many opportunities for student employment. Work-Study positions are partially funded by the federal government and these funds are part of a need based financial aid award. All other positions are funded by the University. Students who are offered Federal Work-Study (FWS) as part of their financial aid package have three potential options to fulfill their work-study opportunity.

Financial Aid Work-Study Jobs

These are jobs around the campus that are open to eligible students at any point in their academic career. Students can work in a particular job for one semester or for all four years.

Explore Work-Study Jobs

FIT (Financed Internship Training) Work-Study Jobs

The FIT program, unique to ²ÝÁñÉçÇø, is a three-year opportunity for rising sophomores at ²ÝÁñÉçÇø. You’ll have the chance to build your resume with meaningful, hands-on experience right on campus – and be paid to do it! You’ll work with a faculty or staff mentor in a role related to your academic work, watching your role expand with your knowledge base and experience level. This is a real job with realistic work expectations.

Explore FIT Work-Study Jobs

Community Service Work-Study Jobs

Through the Feinstein Center for Engaged Learning, students may earn their work-study awards in the community at non-profit agencies. This is a great way to make a positive impact on the local community.

Explore Community Service Opportunities

Student Payroll Jobs: Non Work-Study

Students who are not offered Federal Work-Study as part of their financial aid package, or is a non-financially aided student, may be employed as a Student Worker. These are on-campus employment opportunities. Hourly employment wages are paid entirely by a department on-campus through its regular budget.

Explore Payroll Jobs

Graduate Student Employment Jobs

²ÝÁñÉçÇø offers graduate assistantship opportunities to students enrolled in a graduate program in Architecture, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Forensic & Legal Psychology, Forensic Mental Health Counseling, and Preservation Practices. All other graduate programs do not currently offer assistantship opportunities.

Explore Graduate Student Employment Opportunities

School of Law Student Employment Jobs

²ÝÁñÉçÇø Law offers approximately 25 law students per year the opportunity to earn federal funds through our campus-based employment program. These funds are a part of a student’s financial aid package and are meant to assist students with school related and/or living expenses while enrolled in law school.

Apply and Interview

Contact information is provided for each job listing so students can learn more about posted positions, submit their application/resume directly to the department/potential supervisor, and set up interviews for any opportunities of interest. When reaching out to any campus office about a possible job, it is a chance for you to practice good networking and communication skills. Be sure to introduce yourself by name and as a Work-Study student, and write e-mails with a level of formality. If you do not receive a response, it may be appropriate to follow up to be sure that your original inquiry was received.

Work-Study students should bring their official documentation for employment and their class schedule to the interview. If you are offered a position, your employer can start the paperwork process. Please note that students can only be employed in one FWS position at a time.

Get Hired

In order to begin work, all the necessary forms should be completed in its entirety with the hiring supervisor or manager of the department you are applying to.

²ÝÁñÉçÇø uses an electronic system (Etrieve) for onboarding student employees. Supervisors are required to submit a WSEA Form for students hired, or rehired, for the upcoming academic year.

As a departmental work-study supervisor, you must request a copy of the student’s class schedule at the time of the interview in order to ensure there is no conflict between class times and the proposed work schedule.

Etrieve email notifications will be sent to the hiring supervisor as part of the workflow process. Students are unable to begin working until all departments (Financial Aid, Human Resource, and Payroll) complete their tasks.

​​​​​Students must complete a Form I-9 with their hiring supervisor. An original copy of a US Passport OR two other forms of ID such as a Birth certificate, Driver’s License, Social Security card, etc. must be verified. Photographs cannot be accepted.

Supervisors MUST make copies and attach accepted documents.

This is only required for all new work-study students or for students who have not worked for ²ÝÁñÉçÇø in the past 2 years.

The W-4 Form is the IRS document you complete for your employer to determine how much should be withheld from your paycheck for federal income taxes and sent to the IRS. Accurately completing your W-4 will help you avoid overpaying your taxes throughout the year or owing a large balance at tax time.

This is only required for all new work-study students, or students who are making a change to the current W-4 Form.

Employers must require new hire employees complete Form RI W-4 in addition to Federal Form W-4. 

Effective January 1, 2020, ²ÝÁñÉçÇø must have new hire employees complete Form RI W-4 showing the number of dependents or other personal exemptions claimed. Employers can no longer rely on federal withholding certificates (Federal Form W-4) in computing both the Federal withholding and the Rhode Island withholding for employees. 

This is only required for all new work-study students, or students who are making a change to the current W-4 Form.

Direct Deposit form with verification of the student’s account number and routing number (void check, bank statement, bank web page, an authorization verification letter or account card from your bank). 

Student now can sign up for direct deposit online with 'Self-Serve Banking' through RogerCentral.

The Student Code of Conduct Form must be completed at least once while employed at ²ÝÁñÉçÇø.


The Supervisor Responsibility Form is required for all NEW supervisors.

Beginning Work (Earnings and ADP)

  • Once employed, you will receive a regular paycheck every two weeks according to the Student Payroll Calendar.
    • Your pay will not automatically go toward your tuition or books.
    • A student will earn a rate of $14.00 per hour, unless they are participating in the Center for Academic Development Tutoring Program. Students in a tutoring program earn $14.50 per hour.
  • Students will be entered into the ADP system once the work-study packet has been processed by payroll. Each student will swipe in and out at their designated shift.
  • The Supervisors will be able to electronically sign off on your time worked. Supervisors will sign off on the time in ADP by 10am on the appropriate Monday to meet the payroll deadline.
  • Students participating in the FIT program, must work a minimum of 5 hours per week.
  • Students may earn up to the amount of their approved work-study award, but must discontinue working in a work-study funded job once the maximum allotment is reached.
  • Once a student's award limit is reached, hours worked in excess of your award must be paid by your supervisor's department.
  • Both the student and hiring supervisor will be notified via a letter/email if you are approaching your work-study limit.
  • It is the responsibility of both the student and hiring supervisor to ensure that students do not exceed their work-study limit.
  • No student may work more than 8 hours a day, including all University jobs.
  • The maximum amount of hours a student may work while school is in session is 20 hours/per week including all University jobs.
  • Working during your scheduled class time is prohibited.
  • During a summer recess and winter intersession, up to 40 hours a week may be worked, including all University jobs.
  • Students are prohibited from driving during work-study employment with the limited exception of authorized work-study driver positions.


Student Employment Video Series

  • ADP Login Portal

Student Work-Study Employment Forms

Everything You Need to Know About Student Employment

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